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Ramapo Ridge Middle School

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Participation in Chorus is available to all students regardless of previous choral experience. The program is designed to develop musical knowledge and an understanding and appreciation of various styles of vocal music. Lessons meet once per week during a student’s Physical Education/Health period. We are proud to offer students the chance to develop a genuine love for music and singing, make new friends, and create memories of a lifetime.

Select Chorus is a small, auditioned group of 7th and 8th grade students. Students must be members of the Chorus to audition for and participate in Select Chorus. Sectional lessons – soprano, alto, and baritone - are held once a week on a rotating basis throughout the school day. Students are required to attend after school rehearsals every Thursday from 2:45-3:30.

Pride Band and Spirit Band

 Details coming soon!

String Orchestra

 Details coming soon!

Chorus - Ms. Julianne Boyle 

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String Orchestra - Mrs. Wendy Campbell 

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Pride Band - Ms. Josie VanPuttenVink

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Spirit Band - Mr. Giuseppe Fusco

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