Physical Education/Health
Physical education is an essential and integral part of the total education program and makes significant contributions toward the achievement of desirable education and health outcomes through the medium of physical activity. Our quality physical education programs promote the physical growth and development of children and youth while contributing to their general health and well being. They are based on a planned sequence of experiences in a wide variety of activities beginning with basic movement skills and progressing toward more complex sport, fitness, and other forms of movement. Ultimately, they should help our students keep physically fit and enjoy many forms of physical activity during the school years and continuing throughout life.
Following the guidelines as presented in the Core Standards, our health education and physical education programs promote each student’s optimum physical, mental, emotional, and social development. They are grounded in scientifically-based research and public health knowledge, student-centered and utilize multiple learning theories and models to support and promote health-enhancing behaviors.
We provide cognitive content and learning experiences that support a variety of physical activity areas including basic movement skills; team, dual, and individual sports; physical fitness; rhythm and dance; and lifetime recreational activities. These activities are linked to health concepts and skills, such as healthy eating, safety, and stress management. Our programs consider children’s changing capacities to move based on their developmental status, previous experiences, skill level, body size, body type, and age and are culturally, ethnically, and gender sensitive.
As often as possible, we incorporate the use of technology and encourage students to research and use valid and reliable sources of health information. Physical Education and health classes are student-centered and interactive as teachers encourage classroom discussion, research, modeling, and skill practice. Students discuss issues that have real application to their lives. Teachers, well-versed in current health issues and resources, challenge students to take responsibility for their own health. Information is coupled with skill development and practice in order to have any impact on behavior. As a result, students are progressively prepared and empowered to use higher level thinking skills to address a myriad of wellness issues, now, and throughout their lifetime.
Brendan Cronk
Zoe Delohery
Michael Dlugo
Brian Girardi
Victor James
Kaitlyn Jones